
“These poems, full of feeling, reward the reader with their musicality and wit. … The first and last poems are capstones of a rich collection. — Maxine Kumin

“There is such a bounty of startling grace and wisdom in Ingrid Wendt’s new book, that the reader can only be stunned by, and grateful for, this abundance.” –Maurya Simon

“These poems, shaped by tender and exacting labor, have the heft of hewn stone and the lift of blown glass.”

“This is wonderful poetry–moving and unforgettable.

“Ingrid Wendt has a powerful, womanly feel for the intertwinings of love, pleasure, grief.”

Selected by William Stafford for the New Poets of America Series, BOA Editions

Now in its 6th printing, this teaching guide for grades K-college has been adopted by teachers and school districts nationwide and abroad.

“… confirms Oregon’s place as a powerful outpost in Northwest literature.”

“An important contribution to the resurrection of the lost history of women in the arts.”
Nature photographs and written content © Ingrid Wendt, unless otherwise cited.